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What makes Curly Like Me different?
  • You can wear the curls you were born with You learn how to wear your own natural curls, without having to set them first, or use flat irons or chemicals on them. You don’t need to put in additional hair, or elaborate sets. You learn how to wear the curls that grow out of your head.
  • You don’t need to go to a salon ever again if you don’t want to This is perfect if you are on a tight budget, or are living in an area (or stationed in a country) somewhere where there aren’t salons that know how to take care of very curly hair for you to go to. I've noticed that some books written by very talented hair dressers often leave out the detailed instructions for what to do because much of it is second nature to them, and often they say ultimately, you need to have your hair taken care of by a professional. That isn't always an option, and may not even be wanted by some of us. This book aims to fill in those gaps.
  • Great for the uncoordinated I'm totally uncoordinated, and have never been one of those people who can get every hair in place. If you don’t have the time, the energy, or the coordination to work flat irons, blow-outs, curlers, or elaborate styles that require lots of labor or multiple utensils to pull off doing.
  • Lots of information for beginners Perfect for straighter-haired parents of adopted, mixed, or foster kids, who may have no experience at all with this type of hair.
  • When you want your hair to be just hair If you don’t want your life to revolve around your hair, or worrying about the weather or water, this book tells you what you need to know to do your hair, and to help you make informed, logical decisions on its behalf, and then move on with your life.

Here is my short book trailer if you'd like to check it out:

Teri's Bio:

Teri LaFlesh came by her super-curly hair being half-black and half-white. She grew up both as a mulatto in Kentucky (it was stamped on her school transcripts) and as a black kid in an all-white family in California. She even spent some months in childhood living among the Moonies with her mom. Teri experienced how very curly hair is dealt with in both her black and white households. Like many people of mixed-African heritage, she has curls of various sizes, ranging from waves to coils narrower than the width of a pencil. Because her hair was so varied, and so curly, it was chemically straightened ever since she could remember. And since it was relaxed, she had crunchy hair that fell apart. She didn’t know what her natural hair looked like for nearly twenty-five years.

Most of her life was spent fighting with stiff and broken hair, once even accidentally dissolving it all with a relaxer. Through nearly thirty years of trial, error, and research, she figured out what her hair had desperately needed all along. Finally understood, her natural curls now reach to her hips. One of her big goals is to see that no one else with hair like hers ever has to go through with theirs what she did with hers, so she created TightlyCurly.com and wrote Curly Like Me: How to Grow Your Hair Healthy, Long, and Strong. She lives near Seattle with her husband Jon Crump, two cats, and grows (probably way too many) giant houseplants. Her hair is often rained on, and now it doesn’t mind at all.

Teri has been writing and illustrating since childhood. While painting and putting together freelance books after high school, she worked various odd jobs, including a factory in Kentucky. Years later, she created freelance botanical illustrations while earning a bachelor of science in botany from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

To see some of Teri’s artwork, you can visit TeriLaFlesh.org.

Author photos
If you'd like a high resolution photo, please click on the image of the picture you'd like.There are even some before and after pictures if you'd like some of my awkward years, before I had any idea what to do with my hair:


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Book Cover Art:

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Interviews With:

Press Release:

CURLY LIKE ME: How To Grow Your Hair Healthy, Long, and Strong It can be cut, colored, crimped, and curled but the hair with which one was born will remain the same. Yet this hasn’t stopped millions of Americans – especially those with hard to care for coarse hair -- from pouring their money into top of the line boar-bristled brushes and ceramic tourmaline flat irons, all in an effort to keep their most treasured accessory looking its best. But great hair doesn’t have to cost a great deal of cash. In her new book, Teri LaFlesh, founder of the popular website www.TightlyCurly.com, shares decades of biracial hair care expertise in order to liberate women – and their daughters – from time-sucking and money-wasting habits.

CURLY LIKE ME: How To Grow Your Hair Healthy, Long, and Strong shows readers the natural way to treat their hair right. LaFlesh addresses key issues for women with tightly curly hair such as, what to do when a brush doesn't work, how to take care of curls that explode into frizz then quickly mat together, or how to handle hair that continually breaks off. In Curly Like Me, readers learn how to grow healthy, long, natural curls using simple, money-saving techniques.

The secret? Eliminate all sources of damage.

For women fed up with a dizzying array of tips and techniques, Curly Like Me will serve as their "one-stop shopping" resource. They’ll find information on hair structure, what causes damage, how to prevent damage, how to care for curls, the best products, tools, and ingredients to use, what happens when people use chemicals, as well as ideas for hairstyles that enhance the curls. The simple and streamlined advice – paired with over 250 demonstrative photos -- can easily be implemented without an army of stylists to assist. For readers who don't have the time or energy to execute elaborate, labor-intensive styles, Curly Like Me empowers them to become their own expert on growing long, natural hair without costly treatments, products, or stylists.

Book Reviews:


To see what others have said about the book, please click on: Testimonials .

Table of Contents:


1 My Hair History: How I Learned What Not to Do.

2 Get to Know Your Curls: Their Structure and Vulnerabilities.

3 Shampooing: Washing without the Matting.

4 Conditioning: How to Get Unflappable Curls.

5 Combing: For Those of Us Who Have Ever Gotten a Brush Stuck in Our Hair.

6 Setting Perfect Curls: Born to Clump.

7 Everything Else: Daily Care and Beyond.

8 Baby Curls: Tips for Little Ones.

9 Highlights: Do-It-Yourself Tips.

10 After the Chemicals and Severe Damage: Sometimes You Have to Walk through the Fire.

11 Your Toolbox: The Best Products and Tools for Your Hair.

12 Chemically Altering Your Hair: The Truth behind Coloring, Perming, and Relaxing.

13 How to Do Your 'Do: The Style Gallery.

14 The Philosophy of Curls.

Recommended Reading.


Photo Credits.


Picture taken by Margot of Coffee and Vanilla.com

Photo by Margot of CoffeeAndVanilla.com


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