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Recommended Rinsing Conditioners
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Good Rinsing Conditioners:

These are conditioners that you can use instead of shampooing your hair twice. These are also perfect for "No-poo" or "Co-Wash" routines (meaning using conditioner to clean your hair instead of using a shampoo). What I usually do is wash just my scalp with shampoo, keeping my hair hanging straight down. After rinsing out the shampoo, I smooth in a smaller amount of combing conditioner through my hair, and then rinse it out. This helps remove any extra shampoo or dirt, but doesn't dry out my hair.

In order to simplify things, it's easier to just use your combing conditioner to rinse with. You can check out the recommended combing conditioners at: http://beta.tightlycurly.com/category/combing-conditioners/


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