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Congratulations! I'm so excited for your big day—and also that you are wanting to showcase your stunning curls.

Here are a few fun ideas of how you can wear your curls that work well with a veil, flowers, or even strings of pearls interlaced into the style. I'm not very coordinated, and I like things more on the simple, bohemian side, so of course my ideas will show that preference. Also, once you get into complicated styles, the chances for damage or tangling increase. So I feel it's best to keep things as simple as possible.

A bunch of great sites to check out that have wonderful ideas, barrettes, tiaras, silk flowers, rhinestone encrusted flowers, or simple porcelain ones are in the Bridal Sites section. These will give you more photos and jewels to give you ideas and add adornments to any of the following style ideas:

Loose with Flowers:

Bohemian flowers

This style is simple, yet stunning. You can pin fresh flowers into your curls, or pin a lovely veil at the back crown of your head, letting your lovely tendrils peek through its sheer material. This would look stunning on any length of hair, especially stunning in a TWA.

(I must confess I cheated and added the flowers in Photoshop so you could get an idea of what this might look like.)

Wearing a simple flower or larger hair pin from one of the hair adornment sites listed below would be especially stunning in shorter curls.

Flower Crown

You can always place fresh flowers in your hair. There is such a purity and simplicity with them. White flowers are classic, but you could also go with ones with a slight blush of pink. Honestly, I think flowers are especially gorgeous with hair that's about ear-length or so. Especially when it's in the lovely crown of an afro, or a headful of spirals, this is stunning.

In this photo I have rhododendrons I picked on the way home clipped into my hair.

I used simple snap clips to clip the flowers in my hair. You can find them at just about any drug store or beauty supply shop.

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Bun Style Ideas:

Romantic Bun

Here is what the romantic bun looks like without any adornment. It's very simple to do, and lends itself to tiny flowers, pearls or rhinestones pinned in it. You can even place your veil directly above it so the teeth of the veil's comb has something to anchor into.

Here is what the bun looks like with rhododendron flowers pinned along it's top. I used the same clips as the flower crown, above, and placed a nice selection of blushing petals. But this would look beautiful with nearly any flower, such as hydrangea, baby's breath, roses, orchids, and even daisies.

To make a romantic bun:

Simply pull your hair back into a loose ponytail, using a fabric covered band that matches your hair color. Then, take about one inch pieces of your hair, and wrap once over your fingers into an "O" shape, then pin randomly. Make about ten or twelve of them, letting your pretty curls stick out where they want to.

Variation on the romantic bun:

A variation of this is instead of doing a loose "O" with each section, you can twist them until the twirl back on themselves. Then pin them, making a larger bun made of lovely twists, which plays up your beautiful curls. Then you can adorn these with fresh flowers, pearls, pins, or rhinestone pins.

These are the best pins to put your hair up with (I found most of these in drug stores):

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Stunning (Big) Hair:

This is not for the faint of heart. But if you want to have amazingly stunning hair, and love how much volume your hair has, this may be the look for you. You can give yourself Big Hair, and then adorn it with flowers, a veil, flower crown, or leave it as it is because it is ornament enough.

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A giant congratulations again! I believe our hair is stunning just as it is, so just having those beautiful curls showing is decoration enough. If you are wanting even more to showcase your curls as the art they are, any of these styles lend themselves to adorning them. Just keep in mind not to put anything in your hair that can tangle in it.

Teri's picture taken by Cathy Metschar of BambiniStudio.com

Photo by Cathy Metschar of BambiniStudio.com

Websites with more hairstyle ideas and pretty things:
  • A great site to check out for beautiful bridal pins and adornments for your hair is Hair Comes the Bride, which may have just what you need to decorate your gorgeous locks.

  • Advantage Bridal has lots of pretty hair pins and combs.

  • Amy's Bridal Accessories has hairpins and hair vines (beware of your hair tangling in the hair vines).

  • Late Bloomer Boutique has a lovely selection of silk flowers of all different sizes to wear in your curls.

  • Perfect Details also has lots of lovely hair pins and flowers.

  • Tigerlilly Jewelry has many unusual and beautiful hair ornaments, including Hair Pins, Hair Vines (which look like leaves you could wear entwined in your curls—but beware, these may also tangle fiercely in tighter curls and be very difficult to get out again), and several tiaras shaped like lovely crowns of leaves (again, be wary of the tangling potential).

  • USA Bride Weddings has beautiful combs and hair pins.

  • Curly Hair Styles Magazine has some great curly wedding hair style ideas.

  • Project Wedding also has some lovely ideas for curly hair styles.

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