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Here are some of the questions I get asked the most, and what my answers have been. This way you can get your answers immediately, without having to wait on me. And you never know, you might find answers to a few questions you didn't even know you had yet.

*This is still a work in progress. I'm continuing to add many more questions, and we are still ironing out a few quirks. But we wanted to make this available as soon as possible.

There are several ways to choose the question(s) you'd like answered:

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... or you can ...

What Are Some Styles I Can Do With Medium Length Hair?
Adding beautiful barrettes, combs, clips or pins can instantly add glamor and variety to your pretty curls. You can check out some great sites that sell beautiful things for your hair at Hair Adornment sites. Some styles you could try for medium length hair are:

*a low ponytail (make sure it holds your hair without you doubling the band, which is damaging, and it should never be tight),

*a bun or two (either one behind each ear, or both in the back, one on top of the other (the top one is made with your hair from the top, the bottom from your bottom hair),

*messy buns (where you put your hair in a ponytail, then loosely pin sections of your hair up individually, shown with flowers, on the site),

*half your hair pinned back off your face, the rest down. This is a great style that works with any length hair, and can be enhanced by using pretty barrettes, or even flowers.

*a low braid, or two braids.

*A french roll: this one takes a bit of practice, but once you get it, it's a great, classic style perfect for medium hair.

You can also make a style look totally different by adding pretty barrettes, flowers, a headband or scarf, or even pretty hair sticks inserted into the buns.

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