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Curly Like Me, the off-the-grid, do-it yourself owner's manual for tightly curly hair, is ready for ordering. Grab your copy today!
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Author: Teri LaFlesh
Okay, I guess it's no surprise I have this here, but...This book is the off-the-grid, do it yourself owner's manual for tightly curly hair. It contains everything I've learned about hair over the years. I put everything I figured out that took my short, broken, relaxer-destroyed hair and turned it into natural curls that fall easily past my waist. This site has an overview, but this book also has all the details.
Author(s): Lonnice Brittenum Bonner
This is the book that inspired me grow out my relaxer. In fact, the very last two pieces of chemical hair that I cut off, I taped into this book. Though Bonner mentions she still uses some chemicals (which I absolutely do not recommend), it's still a great and funny book. She's been through as many hair mishaps as I have
|  | | Author(s): Ayana Byrd, Lori Tharps For those who didn't grow up with tightly curly hair, it may seem a mystery why hair can be such a loaded topic. This book explains the history of how African-American hair has been viewed and treated in America, and why hair is often more than just hair to us. |
| | Author(s): Paula Begoun I think this book is a necessity for understanding what it is you are buying when you buy a hair care product. Companies can legally put any misleading and exaggerated claim they want to on the bottle or in their adds. The only place they have to tell the truth is in the ingredients. It's important to know what the ingredients do, so you know what you are buying and what the product really will do for your hair. This book helps you save money by knowing how to avoid products that charge huge fees for hyped ingredients that actually do nothing for you, but sound really good. | |  | | Author(s): Angela Nissel This book was funny and painful at the same time. It should definitely be read as a "how not to raise your mixed-race child". Nissel describes vividly the mind of a child trying to figure out – and maneuver through – the complex (and paradoxical) "rules" of race, and how she fits into it all. |
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